

Stay protected from the sun this summer

Although many of us are back at work, we’re sure you’ll still be making the most of the long summer days. With more time spent in the sun, it’s important to be mindful of the risks associated with increased sun exposure.

If you’re already reaching for your aloe vera, you’re probably no stranger to sunburn. Wherever you are in New Zealand, it can take as little as 15 minutes of midday sun exposure to burn your skin, and it can take days or even weeks to heal.

So, to help keep you safe this summer, we thought we’d shed some light on five common sun safety myths.

Myth 1: Sunscreen is only necessary on sunny days

You can get sunburnt even when it’s cloudy. Sunburn isn’t caused by the sun, but by ultraviolet radiation (also known as UV rays). In fact, sun damage may be even more intense on overcast days due to UV rays reflecting off the clouds. The worst sunburns tend to happen when you least expect them, so whatever the weather, make sure sun safety is front of mind whenever you’re outdoors and apply a layer of SPF30+ (or higher) sunscreen before you step out.
Myth 2: I tan easily so I don’t burn

Whatever your skin type – fair, dark or freckled – prolonged exposure to UV rays may cause damage. People who tan easily or are naturally dark skinned have a lower risk than people with fair skin, but they are still at risk of skin damage and skin cancer. Prevention and early detection is crucial in protecting yourself from skin cancer, so be sure to have your skin checked by your doctor if you have any concerns.
Myth 3: I need plenty of sun exposure to avoid vitamin D deficiency

While UV rays are a fantastic source of vitamin D, you don’t need much time in the sun for this. For most people, adequate vitamin D levels are reached through regular incidental exposure to the sun, such as a few minutes of UV exposure on your hands or arms in the early morning or late afternoon. There are some great sources of vitamins in your kitchen too. It’s easy to add vitamin D-rich food such as canned tuna, egg yolks, mushrooms and salmon into your diet. Plus, vitamin D supplements can assist you if need be.
Myth 4: I should apply sunscreen when I step outside

To be effective, most sunscreen brands need at least 15-20 minutes from application time. Remember to apply sunscreen at least 20 minutes before you step out in the sun and make sure you reapply at regular intervals as suggested by the sunscreen manufacturer.
Myth 5: Sunscreen doesn’t go out of date

Like most things, sunscreens have a shelf life. If you find yourself digging into your bag or looking for sunscreen at the bottom of the drawer, make sure you check its expiry before using it. Typically, sunscreens are effective for three years after being opened, but that’s dependant on them being stored correctly – in a cool, dark place. Sunscreens left in the hot places lose their effectiveness.
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